Medieval Seminars

October 11, 2013 — Marco Veglia (Università di Bologna): Decameron 1.3.

April 4, 2014 — Beatrice Arduini (University of Washington): "The Invention of Dante's Convivio: The Creation of a Cultural Icon."

April 5, 2013 — Roberto Rea (Università di Roma Tor Vergata): "'Unus Philosophus alterpoeta'. Archaelogy of a Friendship."

October 2, 2015 — Francesco Bausi (Università della Calabria): "L'amore Perfetto. II Decameron fra Andrea Cappellano e Dante". 

November 13, 2015 — Mirko Tavoni (Università di Pisa): "Dante 'Imagining' His Journey through the Afterlife."

January 29, 2016 — Susanna Barsella (Fordham University): "The Garden of Arts. Techne and Grace in Boccaccio's Comedia delle ninfe fiorentine."

May 13, 2016 — Francesco Ciabattoni (Georgetown University): "Music from the Otherworld: Notes on and from Dante's Commedia."

May 25, 2016 — Gaia Gubbini (Freie Universität di Berlino): "L'intreccio fra conoscenze filosofico-mediche e lirica italiana: dalle Origini a Petrarca". 

November 11, 2016 — Federico Canaccini (Università di Bari): "Guelfi e Ghibellini"

September 14, 2018 —  Andrea Robiglio (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven): "Bartolo da Sassoferrato and Dante's Canzone Le dolci rime"

November 2, 2018 — Alessandro Vettori (Rutgers University): "Dante, Poverty, and the Donation of Constantine"

November 30, 2018 — Susanna Barsella (Fordham University): "Note angeliche nella Lettera a Cangrande"

February 22, 2019 — Julie Van Peteghem (Hunter College, CUNY): "Ovidian Ramifications: Cino, Dante, Petrarch"

March 15, 2019 -— Paola Ureni (College of Staten Island, CUNY): ""From Medicine to Ethics: Complexio and other Forms of Harmony in Dante's Writing"

October 25, 2019 — Alessandro Vettori (Rutgers University): Presentation of his new book Dante's Prayerful Pilgrimage: Typologies of Prayer in the Comedy (Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2019)

November 22, 2019 — Simone Marchesi (Princeton University): "Beyond Babel: Dante, Levi, Benjamin and the Language of Translation"

December 6, 2019 — Akash Kumar (Indiana University): "Interrogating the Limits: Dante's Questio in its Medieval Context"

February 7, 2020 — Kristina Olson (George Mason University): "Dalla cintola in sù: Dante's Sartorial Poetics"

February 28, 2020 -—  A morning on Dante and Logic:

Jenny Schiff (The Graduate Center, CUNY):  "Lessons from a Translation of Dante's Canzone Le dolci rime into Formal Logic"

Stefano Pelizzari (Università di Milano): "Intemptatas ab aliis ostendere veritates: Dante’s Use of Logic in the Monarchy"

October 23, 2020 — Matteo Pace 10/23/20 (Connecticut College):
“Giacomo and Guido: Two Notes on Medicine and Literature in Thirteenth-Century Italy”

March 19, 2021 — Grace Delmolino (University of California, Davis):
“Reason, Maxims, and the Case of Boccaccio's Lady Lawyers”

April 23, 2021 — Julianna Visco (Princeton University):
“Tools of Resistance: Simona and ’l fuso in Dec. IV.7”

October 1, 2021 — Beatrice Arduini (University of Washington):
“Schiavi domestici e servi della gleba nel tardo Medioevo italiano”

January 28, 2022— Nassime Chida (Columbia University):
“Montaperti’s Legacy in the Commedia

March 11, 2022 —  Raymond Carlson (University of Oxford):
“Michelangelo’s Colossal Defeats”

April 29, 2022 — Christina Lopez (Columbia University): “Perilous Pleasures: Social Class and Erotic Desire in Boccaccio’s Questioni d’amore

October 21, 2022 The Undivine Comedy Thirty Years Later 
A one-day international symposium to celebrate the legacy of Teodolinda Barolini's seminal The Undivine Comedy: Detheologizing Dante 
Speakers: Akash Kumar, Martin Eisner, Kristina Olson, Grace Delmolino, Lina Bolzoni, Giuseppe Ledda, Regina Psaki, Manuele Gragnolati, Maria Luisa Ardizzone, Roberta Antognini, H. Wayne Storey

March 24, 2023 -- H. Wayne Storey (Indiana University)  "Petrarch (Vat Lat 3195, c. 57r) and Method in Authors' 'Definitive' Texts"


October 27, 2023 -- Danielle Callegari (Dartmouth College)
"A Condiment to Power: Federico II's Liber de coquina and its Literary Legacy"

February 23, 2024 -- Emanuele Ciarrocchi (Visiting Scholar Columbia University, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich)
"Contro il potere: l'uso radicale dell'eresia in Dante"

April 19, 2024 -- Filippo Petricca (Indiana University)
"Literary Textiles: Pawning Clothes in Late Medieval Literature"