
Selected Books

The World beyond Europe in the Romance Epics of Boiardo and Ariosto

By Jo Ann Cavallo
Toronto Italian Studies
University of Toronto Press, Scholarly Publishing Division © 2013

Speaking Truth to Power from Medieval to Modern Italy. Co-edited by Jo Ann Cavallo and Carlo Lottieri. Annali d’italianistica 34 (2016). 

Twenty essays on literary and historical texts, from medieval to modern Italy, in which authors or characters challenge the established power of the state at the risk of their livelihood or their very lives. Includes essays by recent Italian Department Ph.D.s Karina F. Attar, Steven Baker, Zane D.R. Mackin, and Valentina Nocentini.

Teaching the Italian Renaissance Romance EpicOptions for Teaching. New York: Modern Language Association, 2018.

Thirty essays offering insights and strategies for teaching the Italian Renaissance romance epic along with its adaptations in film, theater, visual art, and music. Includes essays by recent Italian Department Ph.D.s Karina F. Attar and Allison DeWitt.

Jo Ann Cavallo, The Sicilian Puppet Theatre of Agrippino Manteo (1884-1947): The Paladins of France in America (Anthem Press, 2023)