
Past Event

Mapping Chivalry Spanish Romances of Chivalry from Renaissance to 21st Century: The Results of the Italian Project on Digital Humanities (2020-2023)

December 6, 2023
3:10 PM - 4:00 PM
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401 Hamilton Hall

This presentation is a preview of the Mapping Chivalry website, which will be open access from January 2024. This three-year project, financed by the Italian Ministry of Research, developed under the coordination of Anna Bognolo of the University of Verona, with the participation of a group of Italian universities and Hispanists divided into four research units. The Trento unit, coordinated by Prof. Demattè, prepared a database dedicated to the chivalric motifs present in Spanish chivalry books of the sixteenth century; the Verona unit worked on sixteenth-century Italian continuations of Spanish chivalric romances; the Salerno unit prepared a database dedicated to the Spanish chivalric theater of the seventeenth century; the Rome La Sapienza unit prepared a database of twentieth-century and contemporary rewritings of the chivalric novel and of Don Quixote.

Mapping Chivalry